High School







From 14 to 18 years

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BBS High School

International STEAM High School

BBS High School is a International STEAM High School that proposes an educational offer covering 5 fundamental areas of teaching, interconnected in a creative and functional manner: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

It proposes 2 different addresses, designed to effectively integrate Italian culture and international vision, in order to allow students to continue their studies in any university, academy or national or international institute, even the most prestigious and selective ones.


The Campus

  • Indoor and outdoor classrooms
  • Auditorium
  • Theatre
  • Bar & Canteen
  • Gym
  • Italian/English Library
  • Science Lab
  • IT Lab
  • Art & Design Lab
  • Music & Sound Recording Studio

Indoor and outdoor classrooms

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus


The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus


The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

Bar & Canteen

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus


The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

Italian/English Library

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

Science Lab

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

IT Lab

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

Art & Design Lab

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

Music & Sound Recording Studio

The campus is a pleasant and functional space for learning, socialising and living. Designed and implemented through the adoption of an advanced pedagogical approach, the campus is divided into humanities, science and research departments. What makes it unique is its open and modular architectural structure, which encourages flexibility and communication between the different areas.

Spaces include laboratories for science, technology, art, and music, indoor and outdoor classrooms, a bilingual library, as well as communal spaces such as an auditorium, theatre, café and gymnasium. The unique design promotes interdisciplinary learning and offers students a stimulating environment for their personal and academic development.

Discover more about Life on Campus

  • First two years

    During the first two years of the Liceo Scientifico – Applied Sciences option, STEAM section, the BBSchool offers all students a unique academic pathway, a solid and complete foundation, which integrates the Italian Liceo Scientifico curriculum with the Cambridge IGCSE Programme for the subjects of English as 1st/2nd Language, Mathematics, History.

    Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s best-known international certification for 14-16 year olds and is recognised by the most prestigious universities and employers worldwide.

    In addition to subject content, Cambridge IGCSE programmes are structured in terms of the application of knowledge and understanding, intellectual enquiry, flexibility and responsiveness to problems and changes, and cultural awareness.


    The following years

    BBS offers two different solutions, each of which provides advanced knowledge and specific certifications for access to the professional world and the most prestigious university institutions.


    Discover more about Cambridge IGCSE


  • The first address allows the student to continue the Italian programme of the High School of Science – Applied Sciences option, STEAM section, reinforcing and deepening the knowledge acquired during the first two years.

    At the same time, the student also continues the Cambridge International A Level route.

    Cambridge International Advanced Level (A Level) certifications are specialised qualifications in individual subjects obtained during the last two years of high school education and are a prerequisite for many universities.

    BBS students who choose this pathway acquire the compulsory A-levels in English, Maths and Science, in addition to the optional A-Levels, which can be chosen from History, Business and Design & Technology.

    In other words, the A-Level programme allows BBS students to study in depth a combination of subjects of specific interest to them, relevant to the field in which they aspire to graduate, and to focus on their own skills and strengths. Their personal interests and abilities are reflected within an international study framework, enabling them to obtain both the Italian diploma and Cambridge A-Levels Certificates at the end of the course.


    School and Disciplinary Regulations

    Discover more about Cambridge IGCSE

  • The BBS is a candidate IB World school for teaching the IB Diploma Programme, an international academic diploma: an interesting, challenging curriculum open to major global issues.
    The IB Diploma Programme provides a high level of internationality, defined as much by the content as by the methodologies adopted.


    The IB Diploma Programme groups the subjects into six groups:

    • Language and literature
    • Language of acquisition
    • Individuals and society
    • Experimental sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Art

    Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5. In addition to these, students study a sixth subject chosen from group 6 or any group between 1 and 5.

    In addition to the study subjects, the IB Diploma Programme has two further compulsory components: TOK (a basic course in epistemology) and CAS – Creativity Activity Service (a course in arts, sports and community activities).

    Writing an extended essay on a topic related to one of their chosen subjects also contributes to the final assessment.

    The IB Diploma Programme is an internationally recognised upper secondary school qualification. The diploma is recognised by the Italian Ministry and is legally equivalent to the Italian Baccalaureate.

    IB Diploma Programme (IBDP)

    The Bilingual British School is a candidate school for teaching the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. The school is in the process of being accredited as an IB World School.

    For more information:

Linguistic objectives

In accordance with the Language Policy adopted by BBS, two-thirds of lessons are conducted in English, defining a highly specialised linguistic approach to study subjects. The use of the English language is not to be understood in terms of language enhancement, nor as the school’s sole and primary purpose, but rather as an effective means of acquiring notions, knowledge and skills functional to the achievement of high-profile and internationally spendable personal and professional goals.

Although English is considered as a second language in initial learning, the majority of subjects in the academic programme are conducted in English.

The language objective of BBS is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity within the school community, defining intercultural learning that goes beyond mere language competence and involves understanding, communicating and interacting effectively with people from different cultures. This is reflected in the inclusion of different cultural perspectives in the curriculum, the organisation of international events and interaction with different cultures that prepare students to become global, competent and respectful citizens.

Discover more about abroad integrated programme

The tailor-made approach and international openness of the school programmes allow students from all over the world to easily fit into BBS classes, whatever their personal, cultural and academic background. Every student is supported on the path of admission, placement and studies.

Progress implemented in the school, to enable students to progress in life

The International STEAM High School is thus configured as a new, up-to-date school, open to the world and capable of responding to the changing and constantly renewed demands of today’s and tomorrow’s professional world.

It is in fact the only school that, by offering all the most prestigious and recognised international academic courses, allows students guaranteed access to the best and most selective university faculties in the world, whatever the inclination, interest or desire of the student and his or her family.


Positive student evaluations


Teaching in English


Active participation in cultural exchanges and international activities


Graduates continuing their studies at university institutes abroad

Ongoing counselling

The educational pathway proposed by the International STEAM High School, aiming at guaranteeing an education of excellence on a global scale, is on the one hand demanding in academic terms, and on the other hand requires a high degree of self-awareness on the part of the students and awareness on the part of the families with respect to the goals to be achieved in academic and professional terms.

In order to achieve lofty goals, such as admission to prestigious universities, it is necessary to take the right steps and make the most appropriate choices, also in practical terms: to choose the appropriate address, the most suitable subjects, the activities that will make it possible to obtain a curriculum suitable for the applications one intends to make.
For this reason, the BBS High School has a wide-ranging and well-studied counselling programme, which accompanies students and families throughout their academic career, starting as early as the first year, in order to define together the most suitable paths, tools and directions.

The counsellors employed by BBS operate with the aim of encouraging students to get to know themselves in depth, through in-depth self-exploration and self-analysis. The aim of a counsellor is to develop in students a deep awareness of their own abilities and aptitudes and at the same time an attitude of self-determination that enables them to find the most effective solutions and answers to their personal needs and aspirations.

BBS further enhances the councelling activity by offering its students the opportunity to be supported during a fifth year in the preparation of admission applications, in the preparation of interviews or entrance tests and in the acquisition of the specific skills or certifications required by the universities selected by the student to continue their academic development.

Discover more about Culture of Wellbeing

A high school to fulfil you

The International STEAM High School is an innovative school that gives you access to the world’s most important universities and allows you to become the person you want to be when you grow up. BBS High School is a STEAM school: the entire curriculum will enable you to acquire integrated knowledge in the fields of science, mathematics, but also technology, engineering and art. Creativity is an important element here to stimulate, support and develop your knowledge in science.

The tailor-made approach and international openness of the school programmes allow students from all over the world to easily fit into BBS classes, whatever their personal, cultural and academic background. Every student is supported on the path of admission, placement and studies.

What you will study

  • Scientific education
  • Technology-informatics education
  • Humanistic education
  • Linguistic education
  • Creative and sporting education

Scientific education

Mathematics, Physics and Science become core subjects for the strengthening of scientific-mathematical thinking, essential in the development of a critical, curious and constructive attitude that is fundamental for the advancement of research.

Technology-informatics education

Content, activities and methodologies are grounded in IT skills and the “appropriate” use of Technology, prerequisites that are fundamental today in both the educational and working worlds.

Humanistic education

The study of Literature, Philosophy, History, History of Art (and Latin-Faculty) form students who are aware of their own cultural identity, perfect representatives of a new world but at the same time not oblivious to the traditions that generated them.

Linguistic education

The primary objective of language training is to fully master one or more languages, mastering them in all their aspects, from the simplest to the most articulate – complex syntax, precision and richness of vocabulary, including literary and specialised vocabulary – modulating these skills according to the different contexts and communicative purposes. An added value from a linguistic point of view, but also and above all from a relational point of view.

Creative and sporting education

Creativity and sport are two areas in which non- or para-verbal skills can be expressed, which are essential to the manifestation of the ego and the formation of skills that also apply to other disciplines.

The student at the centre

International STEAM High School offers you the opportunity to make important decisions for your future and that of tomorrow’s society. At the centre of the entire educational proposal is therefore the student, who is first and foremost required to make a constant effort to focus on and shape himself, his knowledge, his personality and his interests in order to identify where he wants to go, what profession he would like to pursue, what field he would like to study in more depth, what country he would like to live in.

Through a tailor-made process leading to the focus on the final goals, the school is able to proceed backwards, defining for each student all the steps necessary to reach their goals. In this way, the BBS student can progressively acquire the knowledge, competences and skills he or she will need to apply to universities and colleges around the world and become the person he or she wants to be.



The BBS High School is composed of two souls, the Italian and the international, who cooperate and collaborate in creating a stimulating climate of cultural and methodological integration within which to implement, record and monitor student progress. Teachers are experts and professionals in the subjects they teach and are required to plan, teach and evaluate lessons in line with curriculum objectives.

BBS lecturers are expected to keep abreast of developments in their subject area, new resources, methods and national and international targets. The role involves networking with other professionals, parents and teachers, both informally and formally.

Roles and responsibilities

As a secondary school teacher, teachers at International STEAM High School are expected to adopt an approach to teaching that is both effective and flexible, renewed but solid.

In the field of teaching, BBS believes that a synonym for flexibility is transversality and multidisciplinarity: hence, the importance of the cooperative and collaborative attitude shown by BBS teaching staff.

Teachers are called upon to be prepared and up-to-date in order to effectively accompany and support students in challenging courses that require high levels of preparation, concentration and skill.

For these reasons, teachers are not considered as mere disseminators, but as true fundamental resources in defining the high level of preparation that the BBS High School offers its students.

Values such as proactivity, the spirit of cooperation, a predisposition to dialogue and constructive confrontation, inventiveness, creativity, sensitivity and enthusiasm are therefore essential prerequisites that the Liceo BBS requires of its teachers.

BBS requires a very high level of preparation from its teaching staff, as well as a range of soft skills and values that are considered indispensable for activating an educational pathway capable of forming students as all-round able-bodied people.

Discover more about teaching values

What to expect

BBS strongly believes in the concept of school community, supporting and enhancing moments of meeting, exchange, dialogue. Each BBS teacher is called upon to give his or her best and to constantly propose up-to-date solutions and studies that can guide the resolution of specific problems or open issues.

BBS offers its lecturers opportunities for training and specialisation, in which everyone is called upon to participate on the basis of their interests and needs.

The BBS environment is therefore dynamic, demanding and constantly updated, but also and above all open to new ideas, initiatives, people: everyone is welcomed into the community and made to feel an integral part of a system that, with ambition, determination and positivity, works towards the realisation of the best possible future, not only for students, but also for the school as a whole.

Professional development

The International STEAM High School is a dynamic environment that offers constant prospects for professional growth.

Teachers are encouraged to pursue career growth and to contribute to the school’s development needs.

Work with us!

Fill in the contact form: tell us about yourself, your qualifications, your goals and what you would like to do with us!